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Lauren’s Christmas Gift Guide

Lauren’s Christmas Gift Guide

This year, travel is on the cards for our family and while we cannot wait to board that plane, portable and lightweight gifts are the name of the game this Christmas. Plus, with a five and two year old in tow…long-haul flight activities are going to be top of our priority list.

So, aside from endless snacks, I’ve shortlisted below the products making our list this year to keep our little ones entertained…

  1. Olli Ella Travel Play Packs (one for each)
  2. Sunnylife Travel 4-In-A-Row for Callum which will be a huge win as he loves games right now
  3. Maileg Christmas Mouse in a Matchbox for Lyla – She is very into open and close motor movement at the moment, so the matchbox will keep her very busy
  4. Endless early reading books for Callum
  5. Mindful colouring printables – YogaMagic have a beautiful selections of instant downloads
  6. Pre-downloaded Netflix shows, films and activity based apps
  7. Our Elf on the Shelf will be making a surprise appearance during the flight (which I am hoping gives the kids a bit of encouragement)
  8. Stickers!!

A few years back, when I first started flying with a toddler, I had the brilliant advice to wrap up each little activity so that Callum would have the added experience of unwrapping each surprise. I will be using that tip this year for both Callum and Lyla, hoping it buys me that extra little bit of time that they will dedicate to each activity.

As for gifts on Christmas Day, we are in the very fortunate position that our entire extended family will be on a Christmas ski trip together, so all of the children will be in the same boat when it comes to big gifts not making the journey. And with skiing and snow to keep our kids occupied, our family have agreed on the Want, Need, Wear, Read gifting strategy, so that each of the cousins will have the same amount of gifts to open (and around the same size) on Christmas morning. Of course, who knows what extras the grandparents will be adding in?!

So Callum’s Want, Need, Wear, Read will be….

  1. Want – Lego…this is the gift that keeps on giving and a big favourite for Callum
  2. Need – Sand Writing Tray and Tricky Words Flashcards by The Little Coachhouse…he is obsessed with sounding out words at the minute, so these will be perfect to keep him entertained
  3. Wear – Christmas PJ’s which come in the Christmas Eve box
  4. Read – One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish by Dr. Seuss…these were classics for us growing up and my little early reader will really enjoy sounding out the rhythmic words

Lyla’s Want, Need, Wear Read will be…

  1. Want – Peanut Dinkum Doll…which will be a sweet addition to her Strolley and High Chair at home
  2. Need – Dinkum accessories (of course she will need these to go along with her doll)
  3. Wear – Christmas PJ’s which come in the Christmas Eve box
  4. Read – Charlotte’s Web…this will be a beautiful addition to her growing book collection

It will be a slightly different feel in terms of gifting this year, as most Chrsitmases the children would come downstairs to bigger gifts from Santa and lots of wrapped presents under the tree. This year our investment will be in the smaller items that can travel easily, keep the kids entertained and be added nicely into their growing collections once back home.

Our Christmas this year will include some really beautiful gifts, but more than anything it will revolve around time with family that we haven’t been able to see in more than two years. I picture family time on the slopes, movies nights with all the cousins cosied up together and a lot of laughter.

If we had been staying in Dubai this year, Callum would have woken up to a Banwood Classic Pedal Bike and Lyla to a Banwook Trike…these additions will make their way into the fold at some point in the new year which I know they will be equally thrilled about.

Whatever December and Christmas has in store for your family this year, our little family is wishing you love, peace and joy!